ENGLISH(Écureuil roux | Faune du Québec)

ENGLISH(Bonjour mon ami l’écureuil, merci de nous accueillir dans ton royaume !) ENGLISH(Mon ami l’écureuil) Canada     WildlifePublished on 2015-10-04Revised on 2024-03-19

ENGLISH(Renard roux | Faune du Québec)

ENGLISH(Ce renard roux semble avoir la belle vie dans cet archipel d’îles québécoises !) ENGLISH(Rusé comme un renard) Canada     WildlifePublished on 2011-09-16Revised on 2024-03-19 Read more ENGLISH(Site officiel de Faune et flore du pays : Le renard roux)

Watching wolves | Muskoxen

A thick white fur protects the Arctic wolf from the freezing cold, down to -60 °C in winter. And in summer, its fur saves it from a few mosquito bites! Encounter arctic wolves and musk oxen Canada     WildlifePublished on 2011-08-01Revised on 2024-03-19 “A wolf!” exclaimed our Inuit guide Sammy Angnaluak. As I was setting up camp with […]

Greater Snow Geese | Birds of Canada

Leaving the Arctic before the end of summer, Greater Snow Geese migrate south over Quebec. They feed here for several weeks, then continue on to their wintering grounds on the East Coast of the United States. A 4000 km journey! Migratory birds on Bylot Island, Arctic Canada     WildlifePublished on 2011-07-18Revised on 2024-03-19 However I got here, just […]

Polar bears | Wildlife in Canada

The polar bear is one of the world’s largest land carnivores, measuring up to three meters long and weighing some 600 kg! At birth, a baby polar bear weighs less than a kilogram and is around 25 cm long. A memorable encounter with a polar bear Canada     WildlifePublished on 2007-10-09Revised on 2024-03-19 A polar bear is less than […]

Filmmaker Kelly Saxberg | Ron Harpelle, Professor of History

In 2007, filmmaker Kelly Saxberg and history professor Ron Harpelle were working on a documentary series entitled Citizens of the World. Kelly Saxberg and Ron Harpelle: Cinema in the service of humanity Canada     EncountersPublished on 2007-09-20Revised on 2024-04-10 Day 132 of my solo bike trip across Canada. Heavy rain falls during the night as I sleep in a […]

ENGLISH(Terry Fox | Marathon de l’espoir)

ENGLISH(Après 143 jours et 5 373 km de course, Terry est obligé de s’arrêter. Son cancer a atteint ses poumons et il meurt le 28 juin 1981 à l’âge de 22 ans. À ce jour, plusieurs centaines de millions de dollars ont été recueillis au nom de Terry pour la recherche sur le cancer.) ENGLISH(Merci Terry Fox, ton rêve est […]

Rideau Canal | Ottawa History

According to the original plan, only small barges would have been able to pass through the Rideau Canal locks. By suggesting larger locks, Lieutenant Colonel By’s foresight made it possible to accommodate steamboats then, and today, a wide variety of craft. The surprising history of the Rideau Canal Canada     HistoryPublished on 2007-08-30Revised on 2024-04-10 Why didn’t […]

Parliament of Canada | Centennial Flame

Many people, myself included, believe that the Centennial Flame has been burning since its inauguration, and that it will burn forever in front of the Canadian Parliament. In reality, it requires several maintenance stops, the main one being to replace the water in the fountain with nontoxic glycol before the first frost. A little love […]

Albert Leblanc, the astonishing octogenarian cyclist

How can you describe the energy that emanates from this man, his smile, his simplicity? Albert LeBlanc is an ordinary man who has lived extraordinary stories! Albert Leblanc, the astonishing octogenarian cyclist Canada     EncountersPublished on 2007-07-30Revised on 2024-04-10 Day 80 of my solo bike trip across Canada.  Just before leaving paleontologist Olivier Matton and his family, his […]